Our Curriculum Overview
A Commitment to Excellence
Infinity College aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.
Whether it is our books or hands-on training, we make sure each student receives personal attention to cope with, and flourish, in every subject for better and a brighter future.
We also have a Nursery School called Little Creations catering for 18 Months to Grade 00.
It is a revision of the NCS, providing details on how teachers need to teach and assess on a grade-by-grade and subject-by-subject basis.
We proudly offer classes for Grade R, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6 and Grade 7.
We also have a Nursery School called Little Creations catering for 18 Months to Grade 00.
CAPS Curriculum
CAPS is a comprehensive and concise policy document which provides schools with the Learning Programme Guidelines and the Subject Assessment Guidelines for all subjects listed in the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) Grade R to 12.
The CAPS has been introduced to strengthen the National Curriculum Statement in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning in our schools. It is a revision of the NCS providing details on now teachers need to teach and assess on a grade-by-grade and subject-by-subject basis.
Ensures that there is a clear guideline and consistency for teachers when teaching and assessing pupils.
Changes in Terminology:
1 Learning outcomes – CONTENT
2 Assessment Standards – SKILLS
3 Numeracy – MATHEMATICS
4 Literacy – LANGUAGE
IEB is the abbreviation for The Independent Examinations Board. It is a South African independent assessment agency which offers examinations for various client schools. It is most prominent in setting the examinations for the school-leaving National Senior Certificate which replaces the Senior Certificate and Further Education and Training Certificate (Government – administered school-leaving exams “Matric Exams”).
It is an assessment body that is accredited by Umalusi (the South African statutory body responsible for quality assurance for school and adult assessments). The IEB offers external assessment in accordance with legislation and Umalusi directives for schools registered with it at Grade 10 to 12 levels.